Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2010

It is a new year once again, time for a new start and a new beginning. Cherish the past, remember the lesson learned, forget the unhappiness in the past. We cannot change what has happened but we are still able to made changes to the future.

Since this is the last year I am going be experiencing life as a student(hopefully!), therefore I really wish I can do for myself the following before 2011 end. My resolutions(finger cross :-X) for 2011:

1) Live a healthy lifestyle( eat on time, eat proper diet, follow the food pyramid, eat 5 times a day at least, sleep on time, get enough sleep( at least 6 hours a day) and do not burn any midnite oil!)- Good health is so important...

2) Study consistently, no last minute study!

3) Pass all my progress test, mock exam.( if no. 2 is achieved, should not be a problem)

4) Sign up for swimming lesson.

5) Fix my teeth and take good care of my teeth.

6) Resume my gym routine, work out consistently and achieve my target body weight of 75kg.

7) Clean the house on a consistent basis.

8) Finish my theses and submit by April!

9) Learn to be patient, especially during driving >.<

10) Make more new friends, be more socialble and open.

11) Closer bonding with my current friends.

12)Never late for class and appointment.

13) Read newspaper everday, magazines( Times, Reader Digest, etc), books.

14) Take good care and improve my appearance.

15) Continue improve my Chinese, one word a day at least.

16) Stop spending money unnecessarily, save enough money.

17) Spend some time improve my creative skill, art, craft, modeling, electronic, cooking.

18) Experience as many first time experience as possible, play till the max!

19) Stop wasting time(online doing nothing!) and spend each minute productively.

20) Pick up a new language.

21) Pray everyday.

22) Blog consistently.

So that is my 22 resolutions for 2011. Why 22? Of course there is a reason. My ultimate wish is get a BF, Haihz... I realised this can never be force, but I really wish Aphrodite can give me some blessing at least :P

My wishlist:
1) Iphone
2) DSLR( my only camera is my phone =( a decent digital camera at least if DSLR is too much at the moment)
3)Masterpiece Movie Bumblebee( MPM-02)
4) Masterpiece Megatron( MP-05) 5)Boyfriend
6) Bodyweight of 75kg.
7) World prize.( crossfinger!)
8) Complete all my papers by December 2011!(MUST)
9) Good health and peace.
10) Happy everyday.

I have also revamp my blog design. Yahoo!

Let's hope I can tell u proudly that I managed to achieve all my resolutions on 31 December 2011.

May the year of rabbit bring you abundance of joy!

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