Thursday, January 20, 2011

A funny day

Today was a funny day.


I do not know. Maybe because it doesn't take much to make me laugh :P

I was suppose to meet AL for the first time. I never thought of meeting him this fast, but I did not realised it myself when I popped the question, "So, when we will meet up?"

I thought of during CNY as I was quite busy with my college now, but he suggested tomorrow instead.

I agreed.

I was anxious because I did not meet any new people for quite some time. However, I just try to brush it off and remain calm.

But who knows, later in the evening I am not feeling well, I feel nausea and headache. I feel like vomitting.

Hence, I tried to sleep early. When I woke up, Im feeling fine. However, after having my breakfast, I feel nausea again. I told myself, "sei lor(this is not good)...How am I going to meet him in this state?"

When I am not feeling well, I tend to keep quiet. It worried me because I do not want to appear as someone boring and does not talk much. It was the first meet up after all. Leaving a bad impression was certainly the last thing I want to do.

I read the horoscope in Star newspaper(ok, I do not believe it in all the time, but sometimes is quite accurate, especially the one on Yahoo), it says for my reading:

"A day when you are restless and ill at ease. You probably won't know why but you will know you can't concentrate. The pressure will be on this afternoon."


It is so true. I really cannot concentrate and not feeling well. If that is the case, what am I going to do? FFK(canceling appointment) was certainly not the thing I would want to do.

I prayed to God to just guide me and let me have a good afternoon with my new friend. I do not want to make him feel bored or uncomfortable.

Who knows, I got a phone call from Cal. I told him I am going to meet AL and it turns out that he is going to meet his 'brother' too in the same place. I was surprised and glad. I want to meet up with Cal too but always do not have the chance! *frustrated*

When I was on my way, I still did not expect anything. I was less anxious now because I knew Cal is around :P

We have lunch together. Dine in a japanese restaurant. I do not have the appetite! ><

I was introduced to Cal's bro, L and of course I got to meet AL.

We have casual chat and the conversation just get more interesting.

It turned out that L was a funny guy. I was laughing through out the conversation(yes...I am still laughing as I typed this). However, the most interesting and shocking fact come into the picture when I realised who L actually was. I turned out that he is someone I knew but I did not know was him!! I went...OMG!! =="

What is even more interesting is when I found out we have a quite a number of friends in common and he actually saw me before. OMG...the world is getting smaller!

The afternoon were spent chatting with Cal, L and AL. Time seems to pass so fast.

We had dessert at another cafe after that. The dessert wasn't that great and my appetite was not good either. However, it was great spending time with my two new friends and Cal. It was hilarious listening to L's "adventure". What was even more shocking is when another fact came into the picture...I went OMG!! again. (yeah...I know I am dai geng siu gwai( never see big deal b4). But it is just interesting to discover some facts. :P However, I am going to leave that a secret within us :P

I thought I can stay late. However, I forgot that I promised my mom that I need fetch her later in the evening.

Feeling disappointed that I need leave. What to do, mom is important rite?

On the way back, I saw this cute and good looking gay couple. How I knew they are gay? I think even a retarded will know...two good looking guy standing so close and sat together. One of them even rested his head on the other guy's shoulder through out the journey home.

What do you think?

When I was on the way home, the nausea, headache and vomitting feeling came back. I knew I am really not feeling well. =(

So, that is my day. It turned out to be a nice day. =D

However, I did not spoke much to AL. Sorry...I really wish to know you better >< Hopefully, next time when I meet you I am able to talk to you more, and hopefully I don't bore u. *finger-cross*

I was thinking just now, if Cal is my bro, and L is Cal's bro. Wouldn't it make L now my siblings too? :P *L must be thinking I am perasan(self-concious)*

Haha...but anyway it was a nice day despite I am not feeling well. =D

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