Saturday, January 22, 2011

Memories Hold Better During Sleep

This post was inspired by an article taken from Star newspaper.

I do not know about how others remember what they have learned during the day but I certainly have my own way.

A findings reported that if you want to remember a newly learned theory or mathematics equation, taking a short nap after learning is a solution.

I found this to be quite true.

If I learned something during the day and I read it before going to sleep, I will recall those thing in my mind or even the words spoken by my lecturer echoing in my mind till I fell asleep. In addition to that, I will recall those event that has happened during the day.

When I wake up from sleep, I am able to recall those facts I have memorised or learned. If I do not remember them, I will refer to it again and after a few quick glance at the notes, I will be able remember them.

I tend to do this if I am studying last minute for an exam. However, it only works better if you have revised or at least glance through those facts before. This is because the nervous feeling during last minute will block your mind from thinking and recalling the facts.

Research has shown that fresh memories are stored temporarily in a region of the brain call the hippocampus.

Reactivation of those memories soon after learning plays a crucial role in their transfer to more permanent storage in the brain's "hard drive", the neocortex.

When you sleep, your mind is actually processing a lot information. This includes sending out signal to the cells for rejunevating and recovering any wounds or injuries.

Furthermore, if you have problems that you are unable to figure out during the day or you have difficulties recalling something, going to sleep will help you figure out the problems. I am speaking this from my personal experience.

Certain people claim to be more active during the night, but in actual fact, sleeping early is vital for one's health. Although you may feel active during the night but your body is not recovering process as it should and is damaging to your health. Your skin will feel dry and you will feel lethargic. Although you will have enough of sleep after you sleep late, for example you sleep at 5 am and you wake up at 4 pm, you will feel not active and dizzy when you wake up. Furthermore, some people will experience headache and loss of mood.

Conclusion, sleep early and wake up early. The early bird catches the worm. If you wake up early, you can do many things. You claim that you feel blurr in the morning? This is because you did not sleep early the night before. If you sleep early, your mind will be most active during the morning.
So learn to sleep early if possible. =)

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