Monday, January 17, 2011

Answering Phone Calls

If I can find one thing that I never enjoy doing besides clerical and administrative job, that will be answering phone calls.

I just never like to answer phone calls since young. Especially if I have to call a stranger or answer phone call from a stranger.

Maybe is because I sound dead on the phone. I knew some people sound really sexy over the phone. If you are a girl, you have this seducing sweet voice. If you are a guy, the deep ,sexy and low-pitched voice. Or maybe like water running over rocks. Some people voice sound melodic.

I knew I never sound interesting over the phone =(

I tried working as a tele-marketer once and I quitted after 2 weeks. I just cannot stand it.

Throw away the phone :P

Despite that, I still wish I can own an Iphone one day. I do not like answering or making calls but I like playing with the phone. :P

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