Monday, February 14, 2011

About You 2

Knowing you now but not knowing you well enough,

It is like knowing the surface meaning of a song but didn't really understand each word written in the lyric,

Liking you so much, but do not really have the courage to embrace the feeling,

It is similar to liking a song so much, but didn't really have the courage to sing it out loud,

Not knowing whether we are really meant to be together,

It is like not knowing whether the song and the singer are meant to be together,

Feeling happy whenever you are around,

It is like smiling to yourself whenever the radio played your favourite song.

Wanting this to last and not a casual or puppy love thing...

It is like trying hard not to memorise each word of the lyric but to be able sing it from the bottom of the heart, because you will never forget a song that has become part of your life, and it will never get out of trend even after many years.

Not wanting this feeling to be another scar again,

It is like not wanting a song that once bring smile to your face has now bring tears to your eyes whenever you heard it playing.

Are you really the song of my life? Am I really the one suitable to sing this song?

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