Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What goes around comes around

Being much younger back then, there was not much consideration in me for others. I do not really care about others and how my action will affect them.

I expect others to please my need all the time, and if they failed, they will face some nastiness from me. Despite that, they still cared for me, in which I am truly blessed.

I have seen someone enduring all the nastiness from me and still continued caring for me. It has made me wonder, why is that person so stupid?

Well, is because that person loved you.

It made me realised how immature I am and I slowly begin to change over the years.

The trait is still in me, but I know better now and think twice before acting on my inconsideration.

As the saying said, "What goes around comes around"

You never realised how you affected others until it affected you. Once a while, I got those treatment from others, exactly the same with how I behaved back then, it hurts and definitely do not understand why you are being treated that way.

But I cannot blame them, I was not a perfect person myself.

Do not unto others, what you do not wish to be done unto you.

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