Monday, February 25, 2008

Social life in school

Today our principal gave us a piece of her mind. Due to parents critic on our school. The parents said,"SMK XXX is a bit too sociable. Yes, is a school where boys and girls had a very open relationship. Then, the principal said that girl and girl can hold hand in school and boy and boy CANNOT HOLD HAND in school. Evryone was like laughing away. You see, what is actually the problem here? My friend once asked me why boy cannot do so many thing that girls can do, otherwise we will be labeled as 'GAY'. Come on, if you are not out of the closet and are not prepared to, of course you have to mind your behaviour. I always asked this question, is it that boy fell in love easily with each other if they get too intimate? Wherelse girls don't? Look, there are so many gay films whereas you don't see so many lesbian films. That is why you can see girls hugging each other, holdind each other hand when they walk together, laying their head on each other shoulder and sometime kissing each other. Haha, I see that all the time. Talking about gay in my school, I once entered a form 5 class, and I saw a guy smelling his friends armpit while teacher is teaching. Actually he did not do it purposely, but he placed his head on the table and his nose is exactly right under his friend's armpit through out the teaching. He wasn't even paying attention. Then teacher is like asking, "Are you ok? You sure you are? Why are you smelling his armpit?" The whole class laughed. Ok, I can see that this guy is very intimate with his friend. He is like sticking so close to his friend through out the class. Haha, then I remembered mine, those were the days.

3 raindrops:

Silly Little Prince said...


Calvin said...

Yalor, why boys cannot hold hand ah? There is no rules or regulations that boys cannot hold hands right?

Jason said...

That's funny :)

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