Saturday, April 26, 2008
No wonder they are bachelor....
I do not know why, but I must really comment on this. The Cleo 50 most eligible bachelors really have no standard at all. I think guys I saw on the street everyday are thousand times better looking than them. Every year I look at the eligible bachelor, I think they don't looks good and this year is definitely the worst. No wonder they are bachelor.... XD
Friday, April 11, 2008
DOB and detail
If U were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th,28th of any month U r number 1...
If U were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th,29th of any month then U r number 2...
If U were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st,30th of any month then U r number 3...
If U were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd,31st of any month then U r number 4...
If U were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd
of any month then U r number 5...
If U were born on the 6th,15th,24th ofany month then U r number 6...
If U were born on the 7th,16th,25th ofany month then U r number 7...
If U were born on the 8th,17th,26th ofany month then U r number 8...
If U were born on the 9th,18th,27th ofany month then U r number 9...
Number 1
You are smart, straight talking,funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest,jealous on competing basis, kindhearted, angry, friendly, authorities,famous person...always want to be andregarded as first on people position,they are often like to be independent,will never be under others, selfconfident people!You are most likely to fall in love inthe younger age, but will get marrywhen you mature! You are likely tohave problems with people who have
opposite views and you are most likelyto take revenge over your enemies in along time basis. You are a spender,but you will have a good profession inthe future. If you are guy you will bevery popular that everybody will havemental attraction and respect at you.You can go anywhere from the localshop to the heart of the parliamentbecause you are positive and welltalented in numerous issues!! But inyour life you will always have somepeople who will work hard to bring you& your name down. This is undercover!!Coz of your smart behavior you will behated by some people too... Yourfamily life is very cool, you willhave a very nice partner & wonderfulchildren... You are pioneer,independent & original...Your best match is 4,6,8 good match is3,5,7 !!!
Number 2
No matter what, you will be loved byevery one coz your ruler is the Moonand every one loves the Moon. are a person who day dream a lot,you have very low-self confidence, youneed back up for every move in yourlife, you are very much unpredictable.Means you do change according to timeand circumstances, kind a selfish,have a very strong sense of musical,artistic talent, verbal communication.Your attitudes are like the Moon,comes to gloom and fade away soeverybody can expect changes in you.You can be a next Mahatma Gandhi whodoes peace love or you can be a Hitlerwho wants to destroy the man kind andpeace (I mean in the community andyour own home).If you really have a deep thoughtabout your own believe in God you canfeel the difference which will makeyou stronger! Most of the time yourwords are a kind of would be happeningtrue! So without any knowledge you canpredict the situation... You willbecome poets, writers, any artisticbusiness people!You are not strong in love, so youwill be there and here till you getmarry.. If U r a girl you will be a
responsible woman in the whole family.If U r a man you will involve infights & arguments in the family orvice-versa.. Means you will sacrificeyour life for the goodness sake ofyour family....You are gentle ,intuitive with a broad vision, a powerbehind the scenes, well balancedPeople!!!Your best match is 2 ,5 ,9 no otherpeople can put up with you !!!
Number 3
You are a person of hard hearted,selfish most of the times, religious,loves to climb up in your life. Youalways tend to have lots of problemswithin your family in the early stagesbut you will put up with everything...You have the strong word power, prettyhappy face.. so wherever you go alwaysyou have got what you wanted!!! Andfrom the birth always wanted to workhard in order to achieve something..You will not get anything without hardwork! When you reach a man/ woman ageyou want other younger once to listento you because you want younger peopleto respect people older than them. Youdo set so many examples to others.Generally you are not a cool person.It's not easy thing dealing with you.A tough player you are! But once youlike someone's attitud! e then hereyou go, what can I say? It will be alasting friendship. You always haverespect from others. Your life seemsto have lots of worries and problemsbut sure they won't be long.. You willalways have brilliant kids!!! You lovethe money a bit too much so temptationwill push you to endless trying andtrying.. If you are a guy then it'sover. Looking after your family andhelp friends, so you will spend a lifetime just being generous and kind(except 21st born men). And number 3syou will be such an example of how tobe in the culture & life!!! If you aregirl then you have good character andculture & hardworking attitude. Youalways follow. You are a freedomlover, creative, ambition focused, a
person who brings beauty , hope & joyto this world!!!Your best match 5, 9. Good match1 ,3 ,6 !!!
Number 4
You are very stubborn too, very hardworking but unlucky in importantmatters in life, very cool, helpful,you have rough word power.. Might putlots of people away from you, you maycause nuisance to others if you are aman, and you often understands othersand their problems well. If you are agirl you are very good with studiesand arts. If you are a guy you spendmost of the time after girl friends(almost) at times, you will have sortof too much fun life with mates &girls. Your friends will spend yourtime & money and get away with theirlife and you will become empty handedand don't know what to do.. So becareful!! You love to spend anyway!!!Your good will is you are always thereto help family and friends. Tell youwhat you people are little gem! s,specially the girls.. You always fallin love in younger age as well. Youoften live with disappointments, foran example you have got a degree insome thing.. but you will beunemployed... or will do very ordinaryjobs. But you will take care of yourfamily very well...All you need to becareful of people who will takeadvantage of your kind heart. Andbeware of your relations too.. You areradical, patient, persistent, a bitold-fashioned, you live withfoundation & order...Your best Match 1, 8. Good match5 ,6 , 7 !!!
Number 5
You are very popular within thecommunity, you can get things done byjust even enemies! Youhave a pretty good business mind, youare often have no-idea what is todayis like, or tomorrow is like, you area person who does anything when yourhead thinks 'lets do this'. You willbe famous if you open up a business,get involve in share dealings, musicetc.. Very popular with sense ofhumor ,you are the one your friends
and families will always ask for help,and you are the one actually get moneyon credit and help your friends. Youwill have more than 1 relationship,but when u get settle down you will bea bit selfish anyway. Coz your otherhalf will have a pretty good amount ofcontrol in you, be careful! You tendto go for other relationships!Contacts even you are married attimes 'coz your popularity.. You aresomeone who get along with anyone cozthe number 5 is the middle number..Changes & freedom lovers you are! Youare an explorer with magic on yourface. You learn your life throughexperience and it's your bestteacher!!!Your best match 1 ,3 ,9. Good match6 ,8 !!!
Number 6 are born to enjoy.. Youdon't care about others. I mean youare always want to enjoy your lifetime, you are a person... You will bevery good in either education or workwise or business management! You aretalented, kind (but with only peoplewho you think are nice), verybeautiful girls and guys, popular andmore than lucky with anything in yourlives. All the goodness does come withyou. Your mind and body is just madeperfect for love. You are lovable byany other numbers. But if you are anumber 6 man, you will experience kindof looks from most girls and willinvolve in more than few relationshipsuntil you get married. If you aregirl, most of you will getmarry/engaged early. You are ! acaring person towards your family &friends . If you miss the half-waymark then you are about to sufferphysically and mentally. Generally youwill lead a very good inner-homehappiness with nothing short of. Youare a person of compassion, comfort &fairness, domestic responsibility,good judgment, and after all you canheal this world wounds to make peacefor every life coz you have the greatpower of caring talent to make thisworld of love one step further...
Your best match 1, 6, 9. Good match 4,5!!!
Number 7
You have got the attraction to anyoneout there, you are realistic, veryconfident, happy, such a talentedindividual with your education, music,arts, singing, and most importantlyacting too. You have real problemswith bad temper! If you are a girl,you are popular with the subjectslisted above. You give up things foryour parents. I mean you value yourfamily status a lot, you will be inthe top rank when you reach a certainage. If you are a guy you are popularwith girls, you are a very talentedtoo. Most of the number 7s face lotsof problems with their marriage life.Only a very few are happy. You haveeverything in your life, but stillalways number 7s have some sort ofunfullfilness, such worries all theirlifetime. It's probably the Lord givenyou al! l sort of over the standardhumans talents and you are about tosuffer in family life. So you need toget ready looking for a partner ratherthan waiting. If you don't, then youmight end-up single. So take care withthis issue, ok? You are wonderful,friendly, artistic, happy person. Youare born to contribute lots to thisworld!!!Your best match is 2. Good matches are1,4 !!!
Number 8
You are a very strong personality,there's no one out there willunderstand you. You are very good atpointing your finger at some thing andsay 'this is what'.. You are morelikely to suffer from the early ages.I mean poverty. If your times are notgood you might lose either of yourparent and end up looking after yourentire family. You often suffer allthe way in life. The problems will notallow you to study further, but youwill learn the life in a verypractical way. You are the one whowill fight for justice and may die inthe war too. You are normally veryreserved with handful of friends andmost of the time live life lonely and
always prepared to help others. Well.once you get married (which is oftenlate) then your bad lucks will go awaya bit and you! u become safe. You willface un-expected problems such as :the error, government, poisonousanimals, accidents. You are some onewith great discipline, persistence,courage, strength which will take youto success. You are a great part of afamily team. You are a fighter!Your Best match 1 ,4, 8. Good match5 !!!
Number 9 guys are the incompatiblespeople in the world. You are sostrong, physically and mentally. Youare often have big-aims. You will workhard and hard to get there. Normallyyou suffer in the early age fromfamily problems and generally you willhave fighting life. But when youachieve what you have done, it'salways a big task you have done! Youare so much respected in thecommunity, you are a person who canmake a challenge and successfullyfinish the matter off. You are verynaughty in your younger age, oftenbeaten up by your parents and involvein fights and you seemed to have lotsof injuries in your life time. Butwhen u grow you become calm and machotype. Love is not an easy matter foryou. You are good in engineering orbanking jobs coz people always trustyou. Your family life is very good,but will have worries over yourchildren. Your such qualities arehumanitarian, patient, very wise &compassionate. You are born to achievetargets and serve every one allequally without any prejudice. You aretotally a role model to anybody in theworld for a great inspiration.Your Best match 3, 5, 6, 9. Good match2
Does it describe you? Which one are you??
If U were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th,29th of any month then U r number 2...
If U were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st,30th of any month then U r number 3...
If U were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd,31st of any month then U r number 4...
If U were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd
of any month then U r number 5...
If U were born on the 6th,15th,24th ofany month then U r number 6...
If U were born on the 7th,16th,25th ofany month then U r number 7...
If U were born on the 8th,17th,26th ofany month then U r number 8...
If U were born on the 9th,18th,27th ofany month then U r number 9...
Number 1
You are smart, straight talking,funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest,jealous on competing basis, kindhearted, angry, friendly, authorities,famous person...always want to be andregarded as first on people position,they are often like to be independent,will never be under others, selfconfident people!You are most likely to fall in love inthe younger age, but will get marrywhen you mature! You are likely tohave problems with people who have
opposite views and you are most likelyto take revenge over your enemies in along time basis. You are a spender,but you will have a good profession inthe future. If you are guy you will bevery popular that everybody will havemental attraction and respect at you.You can go anywhere from the localshop to the heart of the parliamentbecause you are positive and welltalented in numerous issues!! But inyour life you will always have somepeople who will work hard to bring you& your name down. This is undercover!!Coz of your smart behavior you will behated by some people too... Yourfamily life is very cool, you willhave a very nice partner & wonderfulchildren... You are pioneer,independent & original...Your best match is 4,6,8 good match is3,5,7 !!!
Number 2
No matter what, you will be loved byevery one coz your ruler is the Moonand every one loves the Moon. are a person who day dream a lot,you have very low-self confidence, youneed back up for every move in yourlife, you are very much unpredictable.Means you do change according to timeand circumstances, kind a selfish,have a very strong sense of musical,artistic talent, verbal communication.Your attitudes are like the Moon,comes to gloom and fade away soeverybody can expect changes in you.You can be a next Mahatma Gandhi whodoes peace love or you can be a Hitlerwho wants to destroy the man kind andpeace (I mean in the community andyour own home).If you really have a deep thoughtabout your own believe in God you canfeel the difference which will makeyou stronger! Most of the time yourwords are a kind of would be happeningtrue! So without any knowledge you canpredict the situation... You willbecome poets, writers, any artisticbusiness people!You are not strong in love, so youwill be there and here till you getmarry.. If U r a girl you will be a
responsible woman in the whole family.If U r a man you will involve infights & arguments in the family orvice-versa.. Means you will sacrificeyour life for the goodness sake ofyour family....You are gentle ,intuitive with a broad vision, a powerbehind the scenes, well balancedPeople!!!Your best match is 2 ,5 ,9 no otherpeople can put up with you !!!
Number 3
You are a person of hard hearted,selfish most of the times, religious,loves to climb up in your life. Youalways tend to have lots of problemswithin your family in the early stagesbut you will put up with everything...You have the strong word power, prettyhappy face.. so wherever you go alwaysyou have got what you wanted!!! Andfrom the birth always wanted to workhard in order to achieve something..You will not get anything without hardwork! When you reach a man/ woman ageyou want other younger once to listento you because you want younger peopleto respect people older than them. Youdo set so many examples to others.Generally you are not a cool person.It's not easy thing dealing with you.A tough player you are! But once youlike someone's attitud! e then hereyou go, what can I say? It will be alasting friendship. You always haverespect from others. Your life seemsto have lots of worries and problemsbut sure they won't be long.. You willalways have brilliant kids!!! You lovethe money a bit too much so temptationwill push you to endless trying andtrying.. If you are a guy then it'sover. Looking after your family andhelp friends, so you will spend a lifetime just being generous and kind(except 21st born men). And number 3syou will be such an example of how tobe in the culture & life!!! If you aregirl then you have good character andculture & hardworking attitude. Youalways follow. You are a freedomlover, creative, ambition focused, a
person who brings beauty , hope & joyto this world!!!Your best match 5, 9. Good match1 ,3 ,6 !!!
Number 4
You are very stubborn too, very hardworking but unlucky in importantmatters in life, very cool, helpful,you have rough word power.. Might putlots of people away from you, you maycause nuisance to others if you are aman, and you often understands othersand their problems well. If you are agirl you are very good with studiesand arts. If you are a guy you spendmost of the time after girl friends(almost) at times, you will have sortof too much fun life with mates &girls. Your friends will spend yourtime & money and get away with theirlife and you will become empty handedand don't know what to do.. So becareful!! You love to spend anyway!!!Your good will is you are always thereto help family and friends. Tell youwhat you people are little gem! s,specially the girls.. You always fallin love in younger age as well. Youoften live with disappointments, foran example you have got a degree insome thing.. but you will beunemployed... or will do very ordinaryjobs. But you will take care of yourfamily very well...All you need to becareful of people who will takeadvantage of your kind heart. Andbeware of your relations too.. You areradical, patient, persistent, a bitold-fashioned, you live withfoundation & order...Your best Match 1, 8. Good match5 ,6 , 7 !!!
Number 5
You are very popular within thecommunity, you can get things done byjust even enemies! Youhave a pretty good business mind, youare often have no-idea what is todayis like, or tomorrow is like, you area person who does anything when yourhead thinks 'lets do this'. You willbe famous if you open up a business,get involve in share dealings, musicetc.. Very popular with sense ofhumor ,you are the one your friends
and families will always ask for help,and you are the one actually get moneyon credit and help your friends. Youwill have more than 1 relationship,but when u get settle down you will bea bit selfish anyway. Coz your otherhalf will have a pretty good amount ofcontrol in you, be careful! You tendto go for other relationships!Contacts even you are married attimes 'coz your popularity.. You aresomeone who get along with anyone cozthe number 5 is the middle number..Changes & freedom lovers you are! Youare an explorer with magic on yourface. You learn your life throughexperience and it's your bestteacher!!!Your best match 1 ,3 ,9. Good match6 ,8 !!!
Number 6 are born to enjoy.. Youdon't care about others. I mean youare always want to enjoy your lifetime, you are a person... You will bevery good in either education or workwise or business management! You aretalented, kind (but with only peoplewho you think are nice), verybeautiful girls and guys, popular andmore than lucky with anything in yourlives. All the goodness does come withyou. Your mind and body is just madeperfect for love. You are lovable byany other numbers. But if you are anumber 6 man, you will experience kindof looks from most girls and willinvolve in more than few relationshipsuntil you get married. If you aregirl, most of you will getmarry/engaged early. You are ! acaring person towards your family &friends . If you miss the half-waymark then you are about to sufferphysically and mentally. Generally youwill lead a very good inner-homehappiness with nothing short of. Youare a person of compassion, comfort &fairness, domestic responsibility,good judgment, and after all you canheal this world wounds to make peacefor every life coz you have the greatpower of caring talent to make thisworld of love one step further...
Your best match 1, 6, 9. Good match 4,5!!!
Number 7
You have got the attraction to anyoneout there, you are realistic, veryconfident, happy, such a talentedindividual with your education, music,arts, singing, and most importantlyacting too. You have real problemswith bad temper! If you are a girl,you are popular with the subjectslisted above. You give up things foryour parents. I mean you value yourfamily status a lot, you will be inthe top rank when you reach a certainage. If you are a guy you are popularwith girls, you are a very talentedtoo. Most of the number 7s face lotsof problems with their marriage life.Only a very few are happy. You haveeverything in your life, but stillalways number 7s have some sort ofunfullfilness, such worries all theirlifetime. It's probably the Lord givenyou al! l sort of over the standardhumans talents and you are about tosuffer in family life. So you need toget ready looking for a partner ratherthan waiting. If you don't, then youmight end-up single. So take care withthis issue, ok? You are wonderful,friendly, artistic, happy person. Youare born to contribute lots to thisworld!!!Your best match is 2. Good matches are1,4 !!!
Number 8
You are a very strong personality,there's no one out there willunderstand you. You are very good atpointing your finger at some thing andsay 'this is what'.. You are morelikely to suffer from the early ages.I mean poverty. If your times are notgood you might lose either of yourparent and end up looking after yourentire family. You often suffer allthe way in life. The problems will notallow you to study further, but youwill learn the life in a verypractical way. You are the one whowill fight for justice and may die inthe war too. You are normally veryreserved with handful of friends andmost of the time live life lonely and
always prepared to help others. Well.once you get married (which is oftenlate) then your bad lucks will go awaya bit and you! u become safe. You willface un-expected problems such as :the error, government, poisonousanimals, accidents. You are some onewith great discipline, persistence,courage, strength which will take youto success. You are a great part of afamily team. You are a fighter!Your Best match 1 ,4, 8. Good match5 !!!
Number 9 guys are the incompatiblespeople in the world. You are sostrong, physically and mentally. Youare often have big-aims. You will workhard and hard to get there. Normallyyou suffer in the early age fromfamily problems and generally you willhave fighting life. But when youachieve what you have done, it'salways a big task you have done! Youare so much respected in thecommunity, you are a person who canmake a challenge and successfullyfinish the matter off. You are verynaughty in your younger age, oftenbeaten up by your parents and involvein fights and you seemed to have lotsof injuries in your life time. Butwhen u grow you become calm and machotype. Love is not an easy matter foryou. You are good in engineering orbanking jobs coz people always trustyou. Your family life is very good,but will have worries over yourchildren. Your such qualities arehumanitarian, patient, very wise &compassionate. You are born to achievetargets and serve every one allequally without any prejudice. You aretotally a role model to anybody in theworld for a great inspiration.Your Best match 3, 5, 6, 9. Good match2
Does it describe you? Which one are you??
Can I Just Sit Down and Do Nothing?
One day an eagle was soaring high in the sky. After sometime the eagle fly down and rested on the branch of a tall tree.
The eagle was sitting down and doing nothing.
There was a rabbit below the tree on the ground.
The rabbit asked the eagle, “Can I just sit down like you doing nothing?”
The eagle replied, “Why not?”
So the rabbit sat down under the tree and was doing nothing just like the eagle.
Suddenly a fox came by and jump on the rabbit and ate the rabbit.
The rabbit was gone.
The eagle looked for a while and flew away.
Moral of the story: To be able to sit down and doing nothing, you have to sit really high up above.
The eagle was sitting down and doing nothing.
There was a rabbit below the tree on the ground.
The rabbit asked the eagle, “Can I just sit down like you doing nothing?”
The eagle replied, “Why not?”
So the rabbit sat down under the tree and was doing nothing just like the eagle.
Suddenly a fox came by and jump on the rabbit and ate the rabbit.
The rabbit was gone.
The eagle looked for a while and flew away.
Moral of the story: To be able to sit down and doing nothing, you have to sit really high up above.

Not everyone can sit down and did nothing
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Blogthing= The Solution To Lazy Me
See, I don't blog. Lazy people. Copy and paste code from blogthing. Better. Wahahaha. And I am 70% a dog, no wonder I like dog so much but never really adore cats. Woof!
You Are: 70% Dog, 30% Cat |
![]() You and dogs definitely have a lot in common. You're both goofy, happy, and content with the small things in life. However, you're definitely not as needy as the average dog. You need your down time occasionally. |
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
No wonder....
OMG, can you believe this??? I saw this at my friend's blog and thought of giving it a try. I really didnt expect the result to turn out like this. OMG, others were like you act like you are 28 years old, and i am.... OMG, speechless, Is that really me? I guess so. Call me a kid. And the truth is I always like being called "boy" and I hate it when people call me "young man". Yucks. Anyway from the day I was born, people who are close to me always call me "Kenny Boy". They don't call me Kenny. My parents don't. My relatives don't. People who knew me well don't. Till now, they still call me Kenny Boy. OMG, I still can't believe it. You act like you are 12 years old, can go hide already. T_T
You Act Like You Are 12 Years Old |
![]() You are a kid at heart. You never quite really grew up. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. Playful and fun, you bring a lighthearted attitude to every part of life. You're a little irresponsible, but your charm makes up for it (in most cases)! |
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