Waking up feeling zombified these days,
I felt like there is no sense of direction in my daily life,
I am really losing interest in what I am doing,
But despite it all, I have finally come to the last stage,
It is really not the time to give up but rather finishing it and end it once and for all,
Is really difficult to be outstanding in something you have no passion and no interest,
Trying each time to convince yourself again and again,
Im amazed how I manage to pull through each stage when my other peers even failed to pass,
What is next after this?
How am I going to endure for the continuing future doing this thing?
I really tried setting up my mind to like what Im doing, but it just wont register into my head,
I really has taken one wrong step in my life,
How silly is it, because of my desire to chase after something that I couldnt get in the past,
I ended up here, is not a bad place, in fact it offers a bright opportunity,
But if only I have met the right person and having someone to guide me, I knew I would have end up somewhere better
But I am just completely not good at it,
Despite all these, I found something that I like, and it became my only focus object,
You can't blame me, is after all what I have been looking for so long,
I felt so insecure recently, no clear sense of direction, is like I just followed where the wind blowed me,
I just hope there is someone to show me the way or at least tell me what to do,
I really want to have a clearer direction of my own life,
At the moment , I would just need to endure what I am doing until I found the opportunity,
Just needed someone guide me sometimes and motivating me,
Glad that I still have this blog to rant out everything I wanted to,
At least I felt some relief.
If only I have a compass that can lead me....