Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My summary of year 2008
Today I must blog, I really must. Tomorrow is the last day of 2008, I am afraid I wont be able to remember what I have did this year. This year is indeed a memorable year for me. I have experience many first encounter of my life. I can’t just let it go like this. I do not know how I will change in the future in term of how I looks like, my thinking, my way of life, at least I must take an effort to write it down now. Maybe a year or a few years later, I can go back and view my blog archive to know how my life was back then.
Wait, I am recalling...(did I told you my memory was getting very weak these days, I used to have the best memory, any idea what I should do to improve my memory again?)
Let start off with beginning of the year...
I was still undecided whether I should quit Form 6 or not, hence, I have wasted a lot of time thinking and not studying which lead me to regret later on because I finally decided to stay in Form 6 and realise I have missed a lot of the lesson.
I have made a few resolutions for myself this year and I achieved quite a number of them :)
My first time experience and resolutions achieved:
1) I promise to get my driving license this year. Although my mom said I do not need to get my license, I still insist on getting it by this year. The driving lesson is really not a pleasing experience. I have to apply for extra classes to improve my driving. The trainer keeps complaining that I am too nervous. I felt so disappointed, I nearly give up, I told myself that I will never be able to drive, but in the end I still didn’t give up hope, I ask for extra classes. Yes, I fail my first driving test. Fail everything. I tell myself is ok. I will learn from mistake. I did not bribe at all. I want to get the license using my own genuine ability. So, I pray really hard to God and ask for His guidance and blessing. On the second test, with God’s help, I am able to pass the whole driving test. I AM SO HAPPY THAT DAY AND THANKFUL TO GOD! Now my driving is improving from day to day and I am getting much better...
2) I miss school exam for the first time in my life (I have to attend driving test on that day, hence I am not able to attend my exam), I fail my exam for the first time in my life after standard 6(b4 standard 6, I am very weak in studies and failing exam is really common XD), I fail my maths, I blame no one but myself, who ask me didn’t study when I was in lower six? I attend my first tuition in KL, I become leader to so many people and supervising others for the first time (hehe, daily monitor for librarian), I did my first composting project (recycling biodegradable waste into fertilizer), I go for my first jungle trekking, I went to a recycle factory for the first time, I became a secretary for the first time, I write a proposal for the first time.
3) I painted a mural for the first time. The whole mural was painted by me alone. I didn’t have a chance to snap a photo of it till now. I will go back one day and take a photo of it. I crave a watermelon for the first time.
4) I owned a camera phone of my own for the first time (I am still using Nokia 3310 before this, I lost it, so sad, it has been with me for 5 years)
5) I cook for the first time (I mean I really fry things ok? Not maggie mee) I cook for dad for the first time and got praised that my cooking is good.
6) I have an online friend for the first time and I meet some one in real life from the internet for the first time (ha-ha, is you Chester!)
7) I went to TGI Friday for the first time and celebrated my birthday there for the first time as well.
8) I watch a midnight movie with my friends (I think is with Chester) and not with my parents for the first time, is the first time I went home after 12a.m (see? I am such good boy)
9) I owned my first printer (my house don’t have a printer and I only got my first computer in 2007)
10) I have a friend elder than me 12 years for the first time (haha, is you Calvin!)
11) I promise that I will work out hard and change my body figure by June 2008, I did it, I manage to bring my weight to 69kg, I have biceps, triceps...muscle seen here and there...and people even said I have nice lats...but I dont have abs at that time, I was very disappointed, I told myself is impossible I will ever have abs, no matter how much I work out I will never get any abs, however, after I discuss with my trainer and reading tips from the internet, I work out extra hard on my abs and I finally have ABS! Wow, the first time I saw traces of abs in the mirror while I was taking my bath, I was shocked, can’t believe it. But, because I did not work out for months and was too busy with my exam and school work, all my workout is wasted, I am back to square one now( I AM SO SAD!!!! T__________T)
12) I work for the first time. My first job was a promoter in supermarket. I make a resolution that I must have a job experience that year because it will be easier for me when I look for job after STPM, the job was ok, the pay is good but have to chase for my salary, and I receive salary for the first time.
13) I open a bank account myself and have my own account for the first time (haha, because of my job, I need to have an account so that they can bank in my salary to the account, the response I got from them when I told them that I don’t have a bank account. ‘WHAT? How old are you? Don’t have a bank account?’ So embarrassing...
14) I finally get to go in the final round in Creative Media Award and won a prize from it. I have made a resolution that I must get into the final round at least because I failed last year, I FINALLY DID IT! I AM SO HAPPY!
15) I make my first paper clay project for the first time.
16) I sit monorail for the first time and went to Pasar Pudu for the first time. Oh yeah, I also sit LRT for the first time. I went to Amcorp Mall for the first time. (Please don’t laugh at me ok? Though I live in the city is the first time I have been on a LRT)
17) I did a meme for the first time.
18) I bought my Learn to speak Hokkien, Japanese, Korean book at last; I have made a resolution to get it by this year.
19) I bought Hasbro Takara Transformer toys for the first time and finish collecting them (crazy about transformer)
20) I bough my first formal dressing (office wear).
21) I attend my first job interview. I prepared my first resume.
22) I work in an office for the first time and was very sad about it now (will discuss this next time).
23) I got a new puppy and witness the dog brotherly war for the first time.
24) I learn martial arts for the first time.
25) I heard of Redtube for the first time and realised Gaytube do exist for the first time. Oh yeah, I went into a chatroom (gay chatroom) for the first time and talk to stranger from far away land for the first time...
Now this is what I did for the first time for Alex aka YLK and did with him for the first time. Alex, I know you have always thought that I am a bad person because I have given you such bad impression and you always said that I don’t act like a friend, always too occupied with myself and never bother to go out with you all...
So I have made a resolution that I must do everything that I did not do when I was with Alex last time from form1-form5. I have made a resolution that I must repair the damage done to our friendship. I have done my best Alex, the rest is up to you.
1) I sleep with Alex in the same room for the first time. I went camping for the first time and he becomes my first room mate. (You sleep half naked and keep sneezing while sleeping, wear clothes la... XD)
2) I go out with you alone for the first time and I was so happy.
3) I went to Petrosains for the first time and I am happy that I was only with you that time.
4) I went for yamcha session with your friends.
5) I saw Asimo in real life for the first time and I am glad that I saw it with you.
6) I watch your performance on stage for the first time; I guess none of your other friends have watched it before...
7) I ride on the motorbike with you for the first time
8) I buy you a shirt for the first time and none of the clothing in my wardrobe I think is more expensive than the one I bought for you...
9) I went for midnight movie with you for the first time
10) I went to your house for the first time after so many years knowing you
11) I make a handmade gift for you after the one I made for you last time, don’t think you still keeping it.
12) I receive a gift from you for the first time...I am touched you know, though is nothing much but is a thought from you, thanks.
So, basically that is the summary of what I did in year 2008. There are still a lot of things I did but I cannot remember or it is less important. I have goals for year 2009. However, I am experiencing obstacles here and there, the road ahead is really not easy, and I understand the night is dark just before the dawn, I have sailed my ship and now it is facing endless storm that will crush me down anytime, how long can I stand? Will my ship reach the destination I wanted to go? I do not have the answer, but I will try...I will. May God bless me.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
On the brink of showing the true colors...
Aunt: U know...I once had a lesbian friend and she really looks a guy and very cool looking, I was dancing with her in the club , when my heart suddenly beat very fast and I realise that I have fell in love with her, I was so scare at that time and quickly go home. Luckily the feeling go away the next day...thanks God!
Kenny: *Laugh* *keep quiet*
Very quiet for a long time and my heart was beating fast and indecisive...
Kenny:*very softly* err...can I share with you something?
Aunt: HA?! What are you saying ? Can you please speak louder?
Kenny: Nothing la...
Kenny:*isk,should i continue?* Can I share something with you? Does it ever come across your mind why I know and understand so much about gay?
Aunt: Because you like to read ma...
Kenny: Ya la.,.even if i like to read, why I go and read those gay related stuff...I mean normal guy dont do that right??
Aunt:*speechless and look at me in disbelieve* OMG, dont tell me you are...
Aunt: Wait...do you know that when told me that just now my heart stop beating for 2 seconds? Ok, let me catch a breath, Okay, i am a very open minded person...
Kenny: Actually I have a similar experience to yours, but unlike you, the feelings did not go away..
Aunt: OMG! you have to tell me!!
* is very noisy around because we are in a christmas party and ready to leave the party anytime...*
Kenny: Is a very long story and I cannot tell now...
Aunt: is ok...tell now...there are still time...
* We have to leave coz my grandparents is leaving*
Aunt: Stay a little bit longer...
*Everyone insist on going home*
Before we leave, she keep looking at me in a strange way...
Kenny:Isk , why you like this? If I know you reacted in this way, I would not have tell you...
Anyway, the journey home we did not discuss about it because grandparents around. When I reach home, I was actually regretting why I ever give her any clue about my problem. Luckily she did not continue asking me tomorrow. Actually my issue with Alex already expired...I mean it happened so long ago already and I am still not willing to let go and cannot seems to get over it...when will I ever learn?? There is nothing more between us, totally nothing, not even close, if dont make any effort, I think we will just be strangers to each other. Oh God, please and please, Please let me move forward and get over this issue, is been torturing me for years...i am leave hanging still wondering and confused, it just not fair...I am really losing a lot these days, I am just not the same as last time, when can I be happy and see light again?? ok, is late, good night, and tomorrow is another depressing day and more unhappy days ahead...want to know why? Do stay in tune... Oyasuminasai!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Rant and more rant!
I feel so helpless. I feel so useless. I want to do it but I don't know what is wrong.
Maybe I am too playful, I should be a bit serious.
Sorry, can't help it, is time to be serious...haihZ...what a post...who cares as long as I can rant and feel better!
How to add snow effect
I have go through a lot of hassle and searching to find out how to do it too!!
And I already wanted to do it since last year.
So here is a step by step on how to do it...
1st- Go the layout of your blog. You know where is layout?? When you click dashboard, you will see layout...
For snow only copy the first line, for snowflake only copy the second line. If you want both then copy everything!
Then paste what you have copied right after the " body" tag...
After you have paste it, you can click preview to get a preview of your blog with the snow effect, if you like it, click save template. if you dont like, click clear edit.
Is that simple!!
This is the simplest instruction i manage to find because others was just so complicated and difficult.
Hope you like what I share with you.
Merry Christmas!!
P/s: if you still dont get it, can email me...
if you want copy, can refer comment of this post, but please remember to close the < > , notice the different?? change to <>
isk, is actually very simple, but I dont know why blogger keep showing error each time i want to paste the code here!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Let's be friend again!
Alex: So, what have you been doing these past 4 days?
Kenny: Thinking of you lor...
Alex: You have nothing better to do is it? Save that for girls’ la...
Kenny: You think you really have so much for me to think of that I can think of you for 4 days? I have been going for job interview here and there...
Alex: I know that, I am not stupid...
Kenny: ;-p
I was complaining that I am bored and he shut my mouth off inviting me to play minesweeper. Half way through the game, he got disconnected. Who to blame? TM!! How he hates TM and was complaining that he wants to change to Wimax.
And we talk about his boss after that, how he told me that his boss is bald .
Alex: The office is so quiet; everyone doesn’t talk to each other. I sit beside the boss.
Kenny: HUH? Poor you... he don’t talk to you?
Alex: No...how he become boss, fail in management...if I become boss surely is different from this...
Kenny: Then you talk to him lor...
Alex: Talk what? Yat chai sik ngan? ( let’s have lunch together?)
Kenny: He will say nei hai mat sui? ( Who you think you are?)
Alex: I am your future boss!
Kenny: I wonder what he will say if you said that.
Alex: He will quickly get on his feet and polish his my shoe!! HAHA
Kenny: * Draw a pic of a boss with bald head wearing spec and polishing Alex’s shoe.
Alex: OMG! He really looks like that...lol
Kenny: Really? Why all the boss looks like that ah? Can’t have better look?
Alex: Someone will not become boss if he don’t have stress...that is why looks like that
Kenny: So you are going to looks like that too when you become boss?
Alex: No, I am different. I am going to become a CUTE BOSS!
Kenny: CUTE??!! LOL>>>>> You cute??
* Draw a pig...then draw a cute boy with thumbs up and a lot people cheering for him...
Alex: Yes, that is what I will become... CUTE BOSS
Kenny: You are cute? PLEASE DON’T make my stomach pain... LOL
And the conversation go on and on... he use so many cute emoticons to express his words
Kenny: Wa... I thought u said u don’t use emoticons? Suddenly use so many cute emoticons...
Alex: I have been using emoticons, but because between us , we seldom talk in MSN, that is why I did not use it....
Kenny: Then, talk more next time...
Alex: I don’t want. I will prefer face to face.
Kenny: But you are working...
Alex: Then, we go out tomorrow night? Yamcha...
Kenny: Where are we going?? ZOUK?
Alex: No le, MAMAK!!
Kenny? HUH?! *expected* * Shake HEAD* Ok, I am happy with that, anything will do...
Alex: Goodnight...* display cute emoticons again*
Kenny: Goodnight* display an emoticons with a gal bouncing her big boobs...
Alex: OMG!! What are you doing?? This is an islamic country u know...
Kenny: LOL ! *Add some more bouncing boobs*
Alex: MASYA-ALLAH!! Tetapi... memang cantikkan??
Kenny: HA?! U like ?? LOL
We continue exchanging emoticons and no one seems to be the last one to say good night and sign off, seriously this is the first time... usually he is very cool and will just sign off straight away... exchanging emoticons?? NO WAY!! He used to say that emoticons is STUPID! But tonight he certainly don’t seems that way, and finally I did not reply him as he said his final bye bye...*let him sleep, tomorrow he needs to work...
Btw, I am starting work tomorrow also!! :)
Okay, I have decided.
I really have.
Today, I am so happy, laugh so much.
Maybe, just maybe I can bring back what I have lost back then.
Today, Alex and I have chatted so happily in MSN.
I laugh so much, I don’t know if he laugh too, but for me, I really find it funny.
He ask me out for “yamcha” tomorrow.
Maybe, I should just don’t tell and keep it all to my heart.
I treat him as brother, and I should not be thinking something else. What happened back then was because I am too immature. However, after going through so much experience and reading so much, I just could not afford to repeat the same mistake.
Calvin gor, I have decided that I will continue seeing him and keep a good contact with him. I just couldn’t let go. I am just too reluctant to let go. Imagine that, we have been together for 7 years. 7 years, as far as I know is not a short period of time.
I also know that, although we have been together for so many years, we have never really understood each other deeply. Last time, when we are intimate, we are intimate, we are very close to each other but we never talk much to each other. Both of us know that. That is why we always find no words to say to each other. I know, we have two totally opposite personality and we have nothing in common, but I really do care and love him from the core of my heart. I know he does too though I am not sure if he is still the same person as I know last time.
I feel like what I have been working towards is bearing fruit. I have always wanted to undo the damage that I have done so immaturely to our relationship back then. I try so hard to change and did what he complained that I have never done last time. I feel like our relationship is getting better and is just a too waste to let go everything now.
He is God’s gift for me. I found him myself. We promise that when we are old, we are together, enjoying tea over a game of chinese chess. I do not know if he still remembers all the promise he made, but I certainly remember and will always do.
* too sleepy already...to be continued....
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Nationwide Art Award
Best of The Best-
The reason why she won is because everything she is use really recycled material...
1st winner-
Is a dress! I have a better picture but the picture is corrupted alrdy :( comp got problem...
2nd winner-
3rd winner-
I have no idea what is that!!
4 th winner-
I like this one, and I thought he will win the 1st place, got to know him and he is a nice person... :)
now, the following is the winner for category A( drawing and painting)
I am sucks in painting ><
2nd winner-
3rd winner-
so, this is the overall result of the competition. If you want to know what this competition is about, click here.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A Night With A Smiley Face
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I have a dream...
This December is the most important moment of my life.
6 December 2008 will determine how my life in the future is gonna be.
I never thought before that I will be given this chance.
I have nearly given up hope. I thought I already failed, but God decides that He still loves me and has given me a chance.
My dream in this 19 years of life will be fulfilled on 6 December 2008 if I succeed.
My dream to succeed in the creative industry.
God,please give me a chance.
I promise I will do my best.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My most enjoying film of year 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Oink Oink
You Are a Pig |
You are very intelligent, and you enjoy being around people. You can trust others easily. You have great reasoning skills, and you are quick learner. You are able to adapt to most situations. You tend to be very territorial and picky. You don't like people messing with your stuff. You have keen senses and reflexes. You can defend yourself well and quickly sense danger. |
I am a pig?! Gosh...(faint)
Oink Oink... xD
I am not what you want(天使)
This movie is about a gay university student Ricky (Chet Lam) and Mark (Nicky Hung). Ricky comes out to his family and friends, but his "fag hag" Olivia (Carol Chan) doesn't seem to be convinced. Being rejected by his parents, Ricky moves in with his friend Mark. Mark in his heart is gay too, but he has not yet come out to anyone, including his girlfriend Mabel (Joyee Lam). The movie focuses on the process of Mark's trying to face his sexual orientation. This movie is considered to be pure because it doesn't have any sex scenes that are commonly used in other gay movies.
I haven't watch. If you have time, do watch...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Cutie dancing...
Pung Seon
[All] Jinagabeorin eorin shijeoren pungseoneul tago naraganeun yeppeun kkumdo kku-eotjji noran pungseoni haneureul nalmyeon nae ma-eumedo areumda-un gi-eoktteuri saenggangna [Max] Nae eoril jeok kkumeun noran pungseoneul tago haneul nopi nareuneun saram
[Micky] Geu jogeuman kkumeul ijeobeorigo san geon naega neomu keobeoryeosseul ttae
[Xiah] Hajiman gwero-ul ttaen a-icheoreom ttwi-eo nolgo shipeo
[Hero] Jogeuman na-ui kkumdeureul pungseone gadeuk shitkko
[All] Jinagabeorin eorin shijeoren pungseoneul tago naraganeun yeppeun kkumdo kku-eotjji noran pungseoni haneureul nalmyeon nae ma-eumedo areumda-un gi-eoktteuri saenggangna [Hero] Wae haneureul bomyeon naneun nunmuri nalkka geugeotjjocha al su eopjjanha
[U-Know] Wae eoreuni dwemyeon ijeobeorige dwelkka jogeumateon a-i shijeoreul
[Micky, Max] Ttaeroneun nado geunyang haneul nopi naragago shipeo [U-Know, Xiah] Ijeottteon na-ui kkumdeulgwa chu-eogeul gadeuk shitkko
[Xiah] Jinagabeorin eorin shijeoren pungseoneul tago naraganeun yeppeun kkumdo kku-eotjji [All] noran pungseoni haneureul nalmyeon nae ma-eumedo areumda-un gi-eoktteuri saenggangna
[All] Rallararara rallararara rallararara rarallara rallallalla rarara
[Max] Seweori heulleodo
[U-Know, Micky] Ijeobeoryeodo
[Hero] Noran pungseone dameul su isseulkka
[All] Jinagabeorin eorin shijeoren pungseoneul tago naraganeun yeppeun kkumdo kku-eotjji noran pungseoni haneureul nalmyeon nae ma-eumedo areumda-un gi-eoktteuri saenggangna~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
[All]During my past childhood, I dreamt a beautiful dream about riding a balloon and flying If a yellow balloon flies in the sky, my heart remembers beautiful memories
[MAX] My dream as a child was to ride a yellow balloon and fly high into the sky
[MICKY] I forgot about that small dream and lived till now because I grew up too much
[XIAH] But when I'm miserable I want to run around and play like a child [HERO] Filling a balloon full of my small dreams
[All]During my past childhood, I dreamt a beautiful dream about riding a balloon and flying If a yellow balloon flies in the sky, my heart remembers beautiful memories
[HERO] I can't understand why tears come out when I look at the sky
[U-KNOW] I wonder why you forgot the tiny childhood when you become an adult
[MICKY, MAX] At times I too want to just fly high into the sky [U-KNOW, XIAH] With my forgotten dreams and memories
[XIAH] During my past childhood, I dreamt a beautiful dream about riding a balloon and flying [All] If a yellow balloon flies in the sky, my heart remembers beautiful memories
[All] Lal-la-la-la-la lal-la-la-la-la lal-la-la-la-la lal-la-la-la-la lal-lal-lal-la la-la-la
[MAX] Though time passes
[U-KNOW, MICKY] Though I forgot
[HERO] Will it be possible to contain it in the yellow balloon [All]During my past childhood, I dreamt a beautiful dream about riding a balloon and flying If a yellow balloon flies in the sky, my heart remembers beautiful memories
Accidental idea
Friday, September 19, 2008
This is not good!!
You Inner Gender is Female |
You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you. You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations. You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves. You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female. |
Aiyerrr...My innner gender is female?!You're totally a woman?!!!! How can that be?? I am not sissy ok. I know a lot of quiz told me that my inner personality is related to the female side. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?I really have no idea... =.=
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Groovy Kind of Love
When I'm feeling blue,All I have to do,Is take a look at you,
Then I'm not so blue.When you're close to me,I can feel your heart beat,
I can hear you breathing in my ear.
Wouldn't you agree,Baby you and me,We've got a groovy kind of love?
Any time you want to,
You can turn me on to,
Anything you want to,
Any time at all.
When I kiss your lips,Ooh I start to shiver,Can't control the quivering inside.
Wouldn't you agree,Baby you and me,
We've got a groovy kind of love?
When I'm feeling blue,All I have to do,Is take a look at you,
Then I'm not so blue
.When I'm in your arms,Nothing seems to matter,
My whole world could shatter,I don't care.
Wouldn't you agree,Baby you and me,We've got a groovy kind of love?
We've got a groovy kind of love?
We've got a groovy kind of love?
Oho, woah.
We've got a groovy kind of love?
Really love this song...can hear it again and again. Haha
Monday, August 25, 2008
Make Sure You Laugh Out Loud!
Good one especially the last.> > > > Have a good laugh... call centre conversations !!!!!> > ============================================> >> >
Joke 1
Customer: 'I've been ringing 0700 2300 for two days and can't get> > through> to enquiries, can you help?'
Operator: 'Where did you get that number from, sir?'.
Customer: 'It was on the door to the Travel Centre'.
Operator: 'Sir, they are our opening hours'.
Joke 2
RAC Motoring Services
Caller: 'Does your European Breakdown Policy cover me when I am travelling in Australia ?'
Operator: ' Doesn't the product name give you a clue?'
Joke 3
Tech Support: 'I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop'.
Customer: 'OK'.
Tech Support: 'Did you get a pop-up menu?'.
Customer: 'No'.
Tech Support: 'OK. Right-Click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?'
Customer: 'No'.
Tech Support: 'OK, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?'.
Customer: 'Sure. You told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click''.
Tech Support: 'OK. In the bottom left hand side of the screen, can you
> see the 'OK' button displayed?'
Customer: 'Wow. How can you see my screen from there?'
Joke 3( Very Funny)
There's always one. This has got to be one of the funniest things in a> long time. I think this guy should have been promoted, not fired. This> is a true story from the Word Perfect Helpline, which was transcribed> from a recording monitoring the customer care department. Needless to> say the Help Desk employee was fired; however, he/she is currently suing> the Word Perfect organization for 'Termination without Cause'. Actual dialogue of a former WordPerfect Customer Support employee. (Now I> know why they record these conversations! )
Operator: 'Ridge Hall, computer assistance; may I help you?'
Caller: 'Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect. '
Operator: 'What sort of trouble??'
Caller: 'Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away.'
Operator: 'Went away?'
Caller: 'They disappeared. '
Operator: 'Hmm So what does your screen look like now?'
Caller: 'Nothing.' Operator: 'Nothing??'
Caller: 'It's blank; it won't accept anything when I type.'
Operator: 'Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out??'
Caller: 'How do I tell?'
Operator: 'Can you see the C: prompt on the screen??'
Caller: 'What's a sea-prompt?'
Operator: 'Never mind, can you move your cursor around the screen?'
Caller: 'There isn't any cursor: I told you, it won't accept anything I type.'
Operator: 'Does your monitor have a power indicator??'
Caller: 'What's a monitor?'
Operator: 'It's the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV.
Does it have a little light that tells you when it's on??'
Caller: 'I don't know.'
Operator: 'Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find where the power cord goes into it. Can you see that??'
Caller: 'Yes, I think so.'
Operator: 'Great. Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if it's plugged into the wall.
Caller: 'Yes, it is.'
Operator: 'When you were behind the monitor, did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it, not just one??'
Caller: 'No.'
Operator: 'Well, there are. I need you to look back there again and find the other cable.'
Caller: 'Okay, here it is.'
Operator: 'Follow it for me, and tell me if it's plugged securely into the back of your computer.'
Caller: 'I can't reach.'
Operator: 'Uh huh. Well, can you see if it is??'
Caller: 'No.'
Operator: 'Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean way over??'
Caller: 'Oh, it's not because I don't have the right angle ,it's because it's dark.'
Operator: 'Dark??'
Caller: 'Yes - the office light is off, and the only light I have is coming in from the window.'
Operator: 'Well, turn on the office light then.'
Caller: 'I can't.'
Operator: 'No? Why not??'
Caller: 'Because there's a power failure.'
Operator: 'A power....... .. A power failure? Aha, o kay, we've got it licked now. Do you still have the boxes and manuals and packing stuff your computer came in??'
Caller: 'Well, yes, I keep them in the closet.'
Operator: 'Good. Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it up just like it was when you got it. Then take it back to the store you bought it from.
Caller: 'Really? Is it that bad?'
Operator: 'Yes, I'm afraid it is.'
Caller: 'Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them??'
Operator: 'Tell them you're too f*%ing stupid to own a computer!!!! !'
Haha, don't you think is funny?
Sorry for having no update on my blog. Will update a lot in by end of November.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Why I like Won Bin
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hokkien Is Easy
Sunday, June 22, 2008
What is life?
Ok, let’s not talk about that. Talk about others stuff. What to talk?
Err...I know.
Will update... dad want use comp. :-(
Monday, June 16, 2008
Queer Vampire
Ok, before you proceed, please hear me crap. I was browsing the books in my school library when I came across the book titled " World's Greatest Mind Blowing Vampire". Trust me, I thought the book is just about vampire, so I borrowed it. While I was reading the content, I realise that the book not only tell you about vampires but also include some stories as well. Guess what? The stories are gay-related. And most of the vampire stories in the book is about gay. It is sexy,erotic and sad as well. It seems to me that vampires are gay? I know that vampire are usually good looking if you watch those kind of modern vampire. Below is two stories I have for you readers. Please take your time to click on each image to read the page. The two stories I have for you are Immortal Sadness and Marble Love. I love Marble Love because it has got a happy ending.
Immortal Sadness- The story about a young good looking and cute boy named Adonis who grew up and became the victim of vampire. Adonis liked the company of boys and soon became initimate with them. This is a very erotic story.

Please take your time to click on each image to read the story ok? You don't get this kind of story everywhere. Trust me, is a nice story. Let's begin with Immortal Sadness.
Immortal Sadness